Residential Programs

Save Money on Your Home Energy Bills with our Rate Consultation Services

We have the training, knowledge, and experience to successfully lower your energy bills each month!

We are results oriented and entirely focused on helping our clients get the best possible energy rate without interruption or any change to the energy that is delivered to your business. No-Risk, No Obligation, and No-Cost to you.


Becoming an Energy Management Solutions customer can save you valuable time, and money on your energy needs.

As an EMS customer:
  • You save time and energy by letting Energy Management Solutions serve as your Certified Energy Manager to search and find the best rates for you.
  • You will continue to receive quality natural gas and/or electricity.
  • Your utility will continue to deliver your natural gas and/or electricity, read your meter and service your account.
  • You will continue to receive your billing statement from your current utility and make payments to that utility.
  • You will call your utility in case of an emergency.

If you would like to begin saving money on your residential electricity or natural gas bills today, please have a copy of your energy bill available and click on the following link UTILITY COST SAVINGS ENROLLMENT.  Once you are on the site, simply enter your zip code, and the rest is easy!  Just follow the prompts, select your Utility from the drop down menu, your desired residential product, the desired term, and you’ll be on your way to savings!  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Energy Management Solutions at or call 440-382-2759.  Also, don’t forget to share this with all of your friends and family so that they can begin their saving on their energy costs as well.