I would like to bring your attention to a recent Wall Street Journal Article that was published on December 24th that states “Schools Squander Millions to “Bulletproof’ Windows. It Doesn’t Work.”
While I take issue with the title and a lot of the information contained within the article, I must say that there is value in employing security film to protect against forcible entry into a building, whether it be a school, a business, an industrial facility, or a government building.
If you have questions about security laminates, how they work and why a reputable, experienced company can improve your building security, please give me a call at 440-382-2759 or email me at bsaltzman@neoemsllc.com. I offer a complementary building vulnerability assessment. I am a security expert who works with his clients to tailor the best physical security solutions based on their priorities, budgets, and needs.